Alhamdulillah untuk award ke-5 bagi dunia blogging dan media sosial, "Best Trendsetter Award" bersempena International University Carnival on e-Learning (IUCEL 2019) di Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Menang Best Trendsetter Award di IUCEL 2019 @ UNIMAS Sarawak |
Terima kasih family, rakan, kenalan dan semua yang sentiasa menyokong usaha perkongsian melalui media sosial. Love korang! πππ
* Best Trend-Setter Award is for an individual who has led the way, and been very active in transforming the teaching and learning ecosystem in any level of education. Judges will be looking for demonstrable evidence in relation to: β Content- Expressing a unique point of view in relation to teaching & learning β Design β Creative βUsing multimedia elements (Video, animation, audio) β Interactive/ Dynamic β User-friendly β Attractive features β Useful function/ added application β Useful additional information for users β Impact to the communities β Added Value β Useful function/ added application β Useful additional information for users β Link to related websites